matricom android tv box
Android Streaming Boxes

Review of Matricom G-Box Q² Quad/Octo Core Android TV Box [2GB/16GB/4K]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B01BZ6WN9I” locale=”US” tag=”hometheate0f2-20″]For more info on the Matricom G-Box, plus customer reviews- Check it out here.[/easyazon_link] [easyazon_link identifier=”B01BZ6WN9I” locale=”US” tag=”hometheate0f2-20″][/easyazon_link] Viewing the most promising Android TV is the latest buzz in the town. Streaming […]

"How To" Videos

How To Build a Home Theater PC (HTPC)

This is a step-by-step guide to assembling an HTPC from the base components, ending with a computer that can boot up and accept an OS + HTPC software. source [easyazon_link identifier=”B00KHO0MRK” locale=”US” tag=”hometheate0f2-20″]For more information […]